“In memory of Mr. George Feist, who departed this life February 26, 1898, age 30 years, 15 days. He leaves a father, mother, two brothers and six sisters, and a host of friends to mourn his loss.”
“It was on God’s holy day, the sun was shining brightly and the little twittering birds singing their sweet songs to cheer the sad hearts when the death angel bore our dear brother George’s spirit over the murky tides, where sickness, sorrow, pain and death would not dwell with him no more. No more will we hear his sweet voice here on earth, but it will not be long before some of us will hear his voice singing in that triumphant choir above. Oh! how sad were our hearts as we saw the coffin lowered in the cold, dark grave and heard the sod drop on the lid, with a dull heavy sound. We turned and left the lonely graveyard, realizing that we would never see dear George again, knowing he would never welcome us with his sweet smile at the dear old home again. But what a consolation to know he has passed through the heavenly portals, where he has forgotten all the sorrows and trials of this life, and will dwell with Jesus evermore.1