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Headstone Cleaning: Lois Maude Shaw Shields

Headstone Cleaning: Lois Maude Shaw Shields
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Headstone Cleaning: Lois Maude Shaw Shields

Several weeks ago, we were asked to begin work on the preservation of fourteen, now fifteen, Shaw family monuments at Friendship Cemetery, and despite near daily rain there have been hours where work has been completed, including the monument of Lois Maude Shaw Shields.

Lois Maude Shaw was born in Nile Township, Scioto County, Ohio on October 5, 1903, to Charles Isaac “Ike” Shaw and Alice Brouse Williams. On October 5, 1929, while a 27-year-old resident of Circleville, Ohio, she married Edward Shields who was 11 years her senior. She had previously been married to Harold Straube. On August 9, 1942, Lois passed away while living in Columbus, Ohio.

The below slideshow demonstrates both before and after photography of the monument from multiple angles to show the effects of cleaning with water, a soft-bristled brush, and the D/2 Antibiological Solution. The photographs were taken approximately two hours apart after a single treatment.

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