“Next Friday is Memorial day in the calendar, and the Bailey Post G.A.R. has completed the most perfect arrangements for a a proper observance of the day by not only decorating the graves of the soldiers but dedicating the newly made Memorial Circle in Greenlawn Cemetery. The following is:”
The Programme: (Order of Procession)
I. Grand Marshal and Staff on Horseback.
II. Mayor and Chaplain and other Ministers in Carriages, preceded by Band.
III. Ladies Aid Society, 1861-1865 in Carriages.
IV. Bailey Post No. 164 GAR in the following order proceeded by Drum Corps:
(a) Past Commanders.
(b) Senior and Junior Vice Commanders.
(c) Other Officers, according to rank.
(d) Comrades.
V. Ladies of Bailey Relief Corps (if organized) in Carriages.
VI. Sons of Veterans (if organized) preceded by Young America Drum Corps.
VII. City Officers other than Mayor.
VIII. Soldiers not Members of GAR.
IX. Public Schools.
X. Civic Societies.
XI. The Fire Department
XII. Citizens on Foot
XIII. Citizens in Carriages.
XIV. Citizens in Street Cars.
“The public schools will form on Fourth street with head of column at Chillicothe street, looking east, where it will be admitted to the procession.”
Line of March
“The head of the column will form on Market street, looking south, to which all the divisions will conform.”
“The line of march will follow the lone of the street railroad to its terminus at the foot of Cemetery Hill, thence to Memorial Circle in Greenlawn Cemetery, On arrival at the stand erected within Memorial Circle the dedication services will be conducted in accordance with the ritual prescribed by the Grand Army of the Republic, in the following order:”
(a) Music by Band.
(b) Presentation Address by the Mayor.
(c) Acceptance.
(d) Dedication.
“Immediately following this service the decoration ceremonies will take place.”
Dedication Committee
EE Ewing
Reverend HL Badger
CP Dennis
Programme of Services on Memorial Sabbath, May 25, 1884.
I. “The comrades will meet at the GAR Hall at 2 PM, sharp. AT 245 the Post will leave the Hall without music or banners, and proceed directly to All Saints Episcopal Church.”
II. Services at the church will begin at 3 o’clock, in the following order:
(a) During the entrance of the Post to the church an appropriate organ selection, at the close of which the Ritual will be observed as prescribed in the Book of Services.
(b) Music by Choir.
(c) Address by Chaplain.
(d) Music by Choir.
(e) Dismission.
Attention, Civic Societies
“It is especially desired by the GAR that all Civic Societies within the city be present and take part in the Dedication and Decoration Exercises on this day.”
“Decoration Day being a National Holiday, it is hoped that all societies will turn out with the procession without further notice. Those intending to participate in the exercises will please report at MB Wells’ office, Market street, on or before Thursday noon, May 29th, and they may be assigned their position.”1