“Jeremiah Collins, better known as Jerry Collins, for thirteen years landlord of the old Madison house, (now Collin’s House), corner of Second and Jefferson streets, died last Tuesday night, five minutes after ten o’clock, of paralysis of the brain, from a cold, contracted about three months previous to his dissolution. He was confined to his bed five weeks before death ended his sufferings. His wife died six weeks before her husband.”
“Mr. Collins was a native of Ireland, born December 26th, 1823, and emigrated to America about the year 1845 or 6.”
“He was married to Elizabeth Doody in Pittsburg, in 1849. Nine children were the fruit of their wedded life, four of whom survive, one son and three daughters, to wit: Jeremiah Jr., the Misses Maggie and Kate Collins, of this city, and Mrs. Mary McCarthy, wife of Dennis McCarthy, living in Pittsburgh. The deceased was an industrious and frugal man, and a most devoted husband and father. He leaves quite a handsome estate, and had only quite recently completed a two story brick house on the Northwest corner of Front and Jefferson streets. He was a member of the Church of the Holy Redeemer, where the funeral services were conducted last Thursday morning by Reverend Father Style.”1
[…] Collins, Jr., only son of the late Jerry Collins, died suddenly last Monday night. He had been exposed by the flood which probably hastened his […]