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Infirmary Grave #21: George Mustard

Infirmary Grave #21: George Mustard
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Infirmary Grave #21: George Mustard

Grave #21: George Mustard1

In a corner of Earl Thomas Conley Park, and within the confines of the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery, is Grave #21. Beneath this broken stone marker is the mortal remains of George Mustard.

George Flood Mustard, son of Enoch Enos Mustard and Mary Smith, is believed to have been born in Scioto County on June 2, 1816. Years later, George married Nancy Jones, daughter of Andrew Bird Jones and Sarah Cain, and of that union were born several children including Milton, Madison, Sarah, Andrew, Mary, Joseph P., and George W. During the 1870 Federal Census, George Mustard, his wife, and six children were living in Brush Creek Township. Next to him his eldest son, Milton, resided with his wife Maria and son Oscar. It is during this census that George’s wealth was, as reported by him, $7502 in his personal estate and $1603 as the value of his real estate.

The 1880 Federal Census notes that daughter Sarah, then 30 years old, was living with her elderly parents. Sadly on August 3, 1887, Nancy Mustard, wife of George, died as a result of lung trouble; most likely consumption, pneumonia, or lung cancer. She was interred at Mustard Cemetery in Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio.

As in so many cases of genealogical research, the destroyed 1890 Federal Census, creates a gap in telling the personal history of a person not personally known. The details surrounding the life of George Mustard and his life after the death of his wife, and before his admission to the Scioto County Infirmary can only be cobbled together with probate records as they become available and newspaper articles. However, that depth of information is beyond the scope of this post.

According to the Record of Inmates for the Scioto County Infirmary, George Mustard, aged 80 years, of Rarden Township, was admitted to the Infirmary on February 20, 1895.

Due to his advanced age and the stress of unnamed family troubles, his health rapidly deteriorated as evidenced in the following Portsmouth Daily Times article.

“Dying at the Infirmary, George Mustard, an aged inmate of the County Infirmary, dying of old age.”

“The aged George Mustard, of Otway, is reported as dying at the county infirmary. He is now over 84 years old and has gradually been giving way for several weeks, as the result of his advanced age. He was taken to the infirmary last February.”

“Mr. Wishon telegraphed his sons, John and Milton Mustard, at Otway this morning, stating that the end was near.4

George Mustard, once a prosperous farmer of Brush Creek, died Wednesday. George Mustard, the aged inmate of the county infirmary died Wednesday night at half-past 12 o’clock. His remains were interred Thursday morning in the infirmary cemetery. Mr. Mustard was for many years a resident of Brush Creek township, this county, owning considerable land. His last years were embittered by family troubles, and death came no doubt as a welcome relief from mental and bodily sufferings.”5

The Infirmary’s Record of Inmates notes that Mr. Mustard died on May 15, 1895, less than 3 months after his arrival at the Infirmary, and interred in Grave #21.

Record of the Death of George Mustard6

The information flowed slowly from the Infirmary to the Scioto County Probate Court; the body that maintained death records at that time. George’s death was tabulated by the court in late-1896 despite having occurred a year earlier. This was a common occurrence and fortunately, it was included in the Court’s record so as to confirm the record maintained by the Infirmary Superintendent. Many who died at the Infirmary were not included in the County’s Record of Death with their death only being noted in the Infirmary’s Record of Inmates.

“Down in one corner of the farm old Mr. Mustard lies buried in the infirmary cemetery. The time will come when the facts of his case will be known to the public as they were made known to a reporter yesterday by a gentleman of undoubted veracity, and then perhaps the Mustard boys will not be censured so harshly -if at all.”7

  1. Allen, E.(2021, March 14). Grave #21 [Infirmary Cemetery Grave #21: George Mustard]. Retrieved March 15, 2021. All Rights Reserved
  2. $15058.05 in 2021
  3. $3212.38 in 2021
  4. Dying At The Infirmary. (1895, May 15). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 4.
  5. At the Infirmary. (1895, May 18). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.
  6. “Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 30 September 2014), Scioto > Death records, 1867-1880, vol 1 > image 289 of 491; county courthouses, Ohio.
  7. In Good Shape. (1895, September 27). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 1.
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