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Frank Newman Obituary

Frank Newman Obituary
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Frank Newman Obituary

“Friends of Frank Newman, popular young farmer living on the Buena Vista pike, six miles below Friendship, will be surprised to learn of his death. Newman stepped on a pitchfork over two weeks ago but the attending physician was not informed of this fact until after his death. After suffering from blood poisoning for over ten days lockjaw set in which caused death Wednesday at 12 o’clock.”

“The deceased was about twenty-five years of age and was married early this spring. He came to the farm about a year ago from Adams county where his aged parents are still living. His father reported at the point of death. He also leaves several brothers and sisters in Adams county. Before marrying he worked on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tieman, the farm adjoining the Newman farm.”

“Besides the bereaved wife, parents and brothers and sisters he leaves a best of friends who will mourn his death. The body will be taken to Sunshine Ridge, Adams county, his old home, Saturday where the funeral services and interment will be held.”1

Frank Newman Death Certificate
  1. Frank Newman. (1915, August 26). Portsmouth Times, p. 16.
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