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1875: Ann Maria McNamar Obituary

1875: Ann Maria McNamar Obituary
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1875: Ann Maria McNamar Obituary

“Death of an Old Citizen, Mrs. Ann Maria McNamar, wife of Martin McNamar, of Washington township, died of typhoid fever and brain affection, on Tuesday, November 24, at the advanced age of sixty years. She had been confined to her bed for about a week, but her condition was not considered precarious until Monday night, at about ten o’clock, when there was a paralysis of her faculties, and a stupor came over her from which she did not rally, and death came to her relief at one o’clock Tuesday afternoon.”

“The deceased was a native of Hampshire county, Virginia, the daughter of Thomas Dye, and born about the year 1815. Sh was married to Martin McNamar in the spring of 1835, and removed with her husband to this county in the spring of 1855. She leaves six children, three boys and three girls, all of whom are grown and married. Five children are deceased.”

“Mrs. McNamar was a member of forty-five years’ standing of the United Brethren Church. Her funeral services were conducted last Wednesday at her late residence, by the Reverend SP Cummins, and her remains were fellowed to the grave by a large concourse of the friends of the deceased.”1

  1. Death of an Old Citizen. (1875, November 06). Portsmouth Times, p. 2.
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