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Commissioners Declare War on Crows; One Man Kills 285

Commissioners Declare War on Crows; One Man Kills 285
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Commissioners Declare War on Crows; One Man Kills 285

“War was delcared on several thousand crows which have been swarming to Scioto county during the last few weeks by county commissioners Monday. The commissioners appropriated $200 to pay bounty for killing crows.”

“A crow’s nest was found on Carey’s run Saturday by Everett Hall of the west side. Hall and his companion, George Briggs of the west side, told commissioners Monday that the crows were so thick that they broke branches off trees while roosting.”

“After the crows roosted in the tree Saturday Hall says it looked like a black cloud. Arming himself with an automatic shot gun Hall remained under the tree until after dark.”

When the crows settled he opened fire pumping buck shot into all sections of the tree. When the smoke cleared away 285 crows lay on the ground. The county pays 25 cents a head bounty for crows and Hall Monday received $71.25 for the slaughter.”

“Briggs reported that he killed 26 crows and received $6.50.”

“In discussing the crows Monday the commissioners said they prey on farmers. A flock of crows in corn planting time can ruin several acres in a day’s work, they said. The crows follow the seeder and eat the planted corn seed. They also eat corn which has just started to grow. They will also carry off small chickens and eggs.”

“The commissioners suggest that unemployed hunters take up the war against crows. It is hard to kill crows during the day.”

“The most practical way to kill crows is to locate their roost and mow them down after night, the commissioners say.”

“Anyone killing crows must present the crows to the clerk of the township in which the crows were killed. He county the crows and destroys the heads. The clerk then certifies a bounty for the hunter to the county auditor.”1

  1. Commissioners Declare War on Crows; One Man Kills 285. (1931, March 03). Portsmouth Times, p. 13.
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