“Some misunderstanding arose between Luther Dobyns and RH Collins, Editor of the Maysville Eagle today. The results was that Collins shot Dobyns in the forehead. The wound is supposed to be mortal.”
“The Clerk of the steamer Boone has kindly furnished us with the particulars of the recent shooting affair in Maysville. It appears that a few days sing the Eagle, edited by Richard H Collins, contained a pithy personal reply to an editorial of a similar nature in the Louisville Courier, supposed to have been written by Mr. Kirk, associate editor of the Courier. Mr. Dobyn, a relative of Kirk’s, met Mr. Collins at a point known as Crittenden’s corner in Maysville, on Friday afternoon, and producing a whip, raised it, saying he would cowhide him. Collins told Dobyn he would kill him if he attempted it. The latter again drew off to strike him, when Collins fired his pistol, the ball passing into Dobyn’s forehead. The wounded man was immediately conveyed to a physician’s office close by, where he died at seven o’clock, in intense, agony, within a couple of hours of the time he was shot. Collins, although in town, had not been arrested when the Boone left Maysville on Saturday. Very little sympathy was expressed for Dobyn by the community, he having previously declared that he would publicly cowhide Collins, while he was warned that he would be shot if he attempted it.”1