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Tribute of Respect

Tribute of Respect
Categories Ohio

Tribute of Respect

Newport, Kentucky April 3rd, 1863

At a meeting of the non-commissioned officers and privates of Company D, 117th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Sergeant Joseph D Summers was called to the Chair, and Jonas D Arnold was appointed secretary.

The Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to take measures to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of Robert Smith et al, deceased, and suggested the appointment of a committee to draft a preamble and resolutions.

On motion the following committee was appointed: Corporals George W Phillips, George W Gifford, and Private Jonas D Arnold.

The committee, after due time, submitted the following Preamble and Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, it has pleased the Commander-in-chief of the Universe to remove by death from our midst our beloved friends and fellow-soldiers Robert Smith, Thomas G Auld and Jeremiah Munyan, late members of Company D, 117th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, who, by their kindness and sociability and strict attention to every duty and soldier-like deportment, endeared them to their fellow-soldiers and comrades; therefore,

Resolved, that in the death of our highly respected comrades we recognize the hand of Providence, and, although we deeply deplore their loss, we bow with humble submission to the will of the Divine Creator.

Resolved, that in the death of our comrades, our company has sustained an irreparable loss, and in the cause of the Union, three zealous and devoted soldiers.

Resolved, that we deeply sympathize with bereaved friends and relatives of our departed brothers in their sad bereavement.

Resolved, as a mark of respect to the memory of our departed fellow-solders, the members of Company D, 117th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, will wear crape on our rifles for one month from this date.

Resolved, that the editors of the Portsmouth Times, Tribune, and Republican be requested to publish the above preamble and resolutions.

The Committee: George W Phillips, George W Gifford and Jonas D Arnold. Sergeant Joseph D Summers, Chairman and Private JD Arnold, Secretary.

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