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The Stolen Body of Roscoe Parker

The Stolen Body of Roscoe Parker
Categories Ohio

The Stolen Body of Roscoe Parker

June 19, 1895 Portsmouth Daily Times

Robbed the Negro’s Grave.

Body of Roscoe Parker, the Boy Murder Mobbed in Adams County, Stolen from the Grave

The grave of Roscoe Parker, the colored lad who was mobbed in Adams County, little over a year ago, was opened a few nights ago by body snatchers and the remains stolen away. Parker, it will be remembered, was charged with the murder of Pitt Rhine and his wife, an aged couple living near Winchester. He was brought here and lodged in jail for several weeks for safe keeping. The night after his return to the West Union jail the mob took him out and hanged him near Cherry Fork where he was buried. The grave robbery has caused much excitement in the neighborhood. It is thought to be the work of some relic hunters who wanted the skeleton as a curiosity.

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