Dear Santa Claus – I am a little girl nine years old. You were so good to me last year I do hope you won’t miss me this year. I want a doll and doll buggy, hair ribbons, a sewing machine, dishes and some good books. Please do not forget my sister, Fern. She wants a big doll, irons and ironing board and doll buggy, lots of oranges, nuts, apples and candy. Please don’t forget my grandpa. He likes lots of apples and everything good to eat. Be sure to come in the front door. We will leave it unlocked.
Your two little girls,
Aldine Womack & Fern Womack
Siloam, Kentucky

Dear Santa Claus – I am a little girl nine years old and am in the third reader. I go to school every day. I want a big doll, a rain cape, a piano, a new coat and dress and some nuts, oranges, apples and some candy. And so please don’t forget mamma and papa.
Your good little girl,
Alma Boggs
Fullerton, Kentucky

Dear Santa Claus – I am a little boy 9 years old. I want a sled and a wagon. This is all for this time. I want some nuts and baby wants a train and a wagon. He wants some nuts too. That is all for this time.
Buena Vista

Dear Santa Claus: I am a good little girl six years old, so I want you to bring me a big doll, a buggy, a new dress, and lots of candy, nuts and oranges. I will leave the front door open.
Helen Bush
Fullerton, Kentucky

Dear Santa – I am a little boy and I mind my mama and my papa. I think I deserve something real nice for Xmas. I want a top, one that spins for half an hour, a horn, a pop gun, some films for a 2 and 3, A Brownie kodak, a toy barber chair, a pair of suspenders and some candy, figs, dates, oranges, bananas, buts and peanuts.
Your true friend,
Johnnie Gentry
Lucasville, Ohio

Dear Santa – I am a little girl 6 years old and go to school every day. I want a little kitchen cabinet, an umbrella, a pair of bedroom slippers and a little stove and some candy.
Your little girl,
Mable Bobst
Scioto Trail

Dear Santa – After being good a whole year I’m expecting something extra nice. I want a new pair of purple, green and striped silk hose, some friendship links, and a rubber doll. Don’t forget my dear little friend, Vivian Daniels. She wants some films for her new camera, a rubber teething ring and some colored silk hosiery. Don’t forget to bring plenty of candy. Dear Santa since you have so many little girls and boys to bring presents to I will not ask for any more.
Marie Purdy
Lucasville, Ohio

Dear Santa – I am a little girl 9 years old. I love about a mile from Arion. Please bring me some peanuts and candy and bananas, a big doll and buggy, and tea set.
May Deemer
Pleasant Hill

Dear Santa: I have not been very naughty and am just four years old, so bring me a sled, a pop gun and a big knife like grandpa’s.
Your friend,
Maynard Bush
Fullerton, Kentucky

Dear Santa – I am writing to you to tell you I am trying to be a good girl so you will bring me what I want for Xmas. I want a pretty doll dressed in blue and also one in pink, some hair ribbons, a new dress, a table and some dishes and nuts, candy, oranges, apples. Don’t forget to bring my brother, William an automobile and toy mule.
Your little girl,
Opal Smith
Siloam, Kentucky

Dear Santa Claus – I thought I would write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a little doll bed, a little table, two little red chairs, a nice set of dishes, lots of nice candy, nuts, oranges, bananas, and apples. Be sure and trim my tree nice and dress my big doll nice. And don’t forget baby brother. He wants a drum, some blocks to build and a fiddle and a Billy boy doll so be sure, dear Santa. I go to bed early.
Jesie May Nourse

Dear Santa – I am a little boy three years old. Will write and tell you what to bring me for Christmas. I want an automobile, a gun, choo-choo train, rubber ball, and Santa bring my papa a shot-gun to shoot rabbits with, and me peanuts and candy, oranges, chewing gum and nuts, and bring me a new rocking chair; my old one is broke.
Woodrow Wilson Hyland
Scioto Furnace.