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Our House Tavern Postcard

Our House Tavern Postcard
Categories Ohio

Our House Tavern Postcard

” Henry Cushing’s Ohio River tavern, called “Our House,” was the center of the community’s social life for many years. On Independence Day 1820, the citizens of Gallipolis—after conducting appropriate ceremonies at the courthouse—paraded to Cushing’s tavern with a military escort in full regalia.”

“On Sun., May 22, 1825, prominent citizens of Gallipolis entertained Gen. Lafayette at Our House during his triumphant tour of America, an event that lingers in local memory so vividly that it is customarily marked with an annual commemoration ” 1

Our House Tavern at the Ohio History Connection

  1. Our House Tavern. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2019, from
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