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The James Lodwick Home

The James Lodwick Home
Categories Ohio

The James Lodwick Home

503 6th Street, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 1

On the corner of Sixth and Market Streets, at 503 Sixth Street, once stood the Federal-Greek Revival home of James Lodwick 2 who is believed to have been the original owner and builder of the home that was erected about 1840.

The home had double hung 6/6 rectangular windows with stone lentils and lugsills. Bracketed box cornices with full entablature under the roof-line embellished with triglyphs and guttae which were not seen on other buildings in the area. The building site was raised and surrounded by a sandstone wall and brick sidewalks. 3

James Lockwick was a merchant turned local politician. He operated with his brother, William, a general store. In addition to the General Store, James is known for having advertised his soap and candle factory on September 14, 1820.4 In 1824 James was elected a Trustee. He was considered by many to be a good Democrat ready to hold any public office. 5. In 1829 Lodwick was appointed Postmaster of Portsmouth during which time he is credited for implementing the Post Office box system. Lodwick left the office of Postmaster in 1842 to serve as the city Treasurer, an office he held until 1851.

  • On December 18, 2006, the property transferred ownership from Raymond Kline to Helen Sue and Douglas Lee Booth. 6
  • On December 18, 2006,the property transferred from the Booths to
    Dornoch Development LLC. 7
  • On March 07, 2007, the property transferred from Dornoch LLC to the newly formed Sakonet LLC. 8

The Ohio Historical Inventory, in 1975, lists the building proper as being between the owner’s carry-out and used car lot, and states that, “the neighborhood was fashionable in the 19th Century, but has deteriorated. The area is nevertheless enhanced by a number of 19th century buildings with old Market Street. business district in view.” 9

Terry Stevenson II, photographer 10

  1. (Doll & Brook, “Ohio Historical Inventory”, 1975, pp. SCI-5-13)
  2. Lorberg, H. A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  3. (Doll & Brook, “Ohio Historical Inventory”, 1975, pp. SCI-5-13)
  4. (Evans, History of Scioto County, Ohio Pioneer Record of Southern Ohio, 1975, p. 629)
  5. (Evans, History of Scioto County, Ohio Pioneer Record of Southern Ohio, 1975, p. 418)
  6. (Scioto County Recorder, “2006R-11859”, 2006, p. B:99 P:775)
  7. (Scioto County Recorder’s Office, “2006R-11860 Deed Warranty”, 2006, p. B:99 P:778)
  8. (Scioto County Auditor, “Parcel 29-0570.000”, 2019, pp.
  9. (Doll & Brook, “Ohio Historical Inventory”, 1975, pp. SCI-5-13)
  10. (Terry Stevenson II, “503 6th Street Portsmouth, Ohio”, 2014, p.
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