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Killed by His Own Engine: John M Hill

Killed by His Own Engine: John M Hill
Categories Ohio

Killed by His Own Engine: John M Hill

John M Hill, son of Abraham J and Mary A Hill. Born September 30, 1864. Killed June 2, 1904 by his own engine at Trinway, Ohio, on the Panhandle Railroad from Columbus to Denson. Gone but not forgotten.


I had recently been gift a gallon of D/2, and to reciprocate the gift I had asked the donor if they had a family member whose headstone could use some work. The donor provided us the name of John Henry in Rushtown, Ohio. So we set off for Rush Township Burial Park.

If you were to travel to Rush Township Burial Park you will find that there are two cemeteries that adjoined one another: Rush Township Burial Park and Scioto Burial Park

Unfortunately, Google Maps currently clusters these two burial grounds together one being private and the other held in ownership by the township trustees.

While waiting for John Henry’s monument to dry, I took a stroll around the cemetery to see if there were any FindAGrave requests that needed to be fulfilled. This is when I came across the marker for John M. Hill

Headstone Transcription

John M. Hill
son of
Abram J and
Mary A Hill
Born Sept 30, 1864
June 2, 1904
By his own engine
at Trinway Ohio
On the Panhandle
R.R. from Columbus
To Denson

Gone but not forgotten.

Headstone Reading

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