“Luther Boldman, for more than 75 years a resident of Duck Run and who was Scioto county’s oldest resident passed away Thursday morning at ten o’clock at the County Infirmary after a two week’s illness of infirmities. Mr. Boldman celebrated his 100th anniversary last May. He was able to be up and about as late as four weeks ago when he visited at the home of friends in New Boston over the week end. He had been at the county Home since November 1, 1921.”
“Mr. Boldman’s wife, Mrs. Harriett Boldman, passed away about twenty years ago while she was at the home of relatives in Indiana.”
“The family was one of the best known in the Duck Run vicinity for years. Seven sons survive, most of them living in Indiana. One son, James Boldman resides at Iroquois, Indiana, and word of the death was sent to him today. George and Frank Boldman of McDermott are grandsons of the deceased.”
“No arrangements will be made for the funeral until word is received from relatives.”1Luther boldman 100 years old dies at infirmary. (1924, January 31). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 2.{/efn_note}