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Silas Cartwright Dies at the County Infirmary

Silas Cartwright Dies at the County Infirmary
Categories Scioto County Infirmary

Silas Cartwright Dies at the County Infirmary

“Infirmities caused the death of Silas Cartwright, aged 71 years, at the County Infirmary Thursday. He had been at the Infirmary since October 1915. An effort was made to locate a son 1of Mr. Cartwright in the West, but as no word was received from him the funeral and burial was held Friday afternoon with Reverend WG Brandon in charge of the services.2

Ohio Certificate of Death for Silas Cartwright3

  1. Oscar Cartwright
  2. Silas Cartwight. (1921, June 3). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 13.
  3. “Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), 1921 > 35281-38260 > image 93 of 3307.
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