The condition of the living victims of the dynamite explosion near Sciotoville was reported as slightly improved Wednesday morning by the hospital authorities, and it now believed that all of them will recover. William Ross, the worst injured, is still holding his own, with a fair chance of recovery.”
“Sheriff Smith made another visit to the scene of the explosion Tueday afternoon in search of further evidence that would assist him in running down the crime. He said he had nothing new to give out upon his return.”
“The bodies of Ben Harrison and Robert Banks, two of the victims of the explosion, are still being held at the Daehler morgue, awaiting word from relatives. The bodies of John Lewis and Henry Carter, the two other victims, were buried at the county infirmary burial grounds Tuesday afternoon by Undertaker Dice.”1
Ben Harrison Death Certificate
Robert Banks Death Certificate
John Lewis Death Certificate
Henry Carter Death Certificate
“The body of William Ross, the fifth negro victim of the dynamite explosion to die at the Hempstead hospital, was removed from the hospital Wednesday evening to the Dice undertaking establishment on Fourth street, where it was prepared for burial. As no word has been received from his relatives or friends, it will be buried Thursday afternoon at the county infirmary cemetery.”
“The condition of the other victims continues to improve, it was announced at the hospital Thursday.”2