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1913: Find Mangled Body on N & W Tracks

1913: Find Mangled Body on N & W Tracks
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1913: Find Mangled Body on N & W Tracks

“The mangled body of an unknown white young man was found lying across the N&W track just south of Davis station and opposite the Davis school house late Monday afternoon.”

“The discovery was made by the Engineer William Stratt, of west-bound freight train No. 708. The head was badly cut, the arms broken and bruised and the left leg crushed. The unknown had evidently fallen from a train or been stuck in attempting to board a train. Stratt turned the body over to section men and Coroner OW Robe was notified. Absolutely nothing was found on the body by which to identify the man, though his clothing contained the trademarks of Brumberg, Ironton merchant. He was a smooth faced, red haired young man about 25 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing about 135 pounds. He wore a cap with small black stripes, heavy brown and black suit, and blue overalls. Several neckties were all that was found in his pockets.”

“Undertaker Daehler took charge of the body and unless identified soon will be buried at the county infirmary graveyard. Coroner Robe communicated with the Ironton chief of police but up to Tuesday morning had received no reply from him.”1

“Frank Grabb and wife came down from Ironton Wednesday and viewed the body of the young man killed by an N & W train at Davis station Monday evening. They feared it might be that of her half-brother, James Pemberton, a boilermaker, whom they were expecting back from Canada after a two years’ absence. An examination showed it was not him. The couple agreed to pay the expenses of having the body of the unknown disinterred.2

  1. Find Mangled Body on N.&W. Tracks. (1913, June 21). Portsmouth Times, p. 4.
  2. Viewed Body of Victim. (1913, June 21). Portsmouth Times, p. 6.
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