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Doc McCloud

Doc McCloud
Categories Scioto County Infirmary

Doc McCloud

“There died at the county infirmary late Monday a pioneer citizen of Scioto county, and one of the most widely known characters of this city. Reference is made to “Doc” McCloud, who passed to his last reward at the ripe old age of 72 years.”

“The immediate cause of his demise was stomach trouble and his present illness dated back two months ago, when he returned from the lower Mississippi river, where he had been employed as cook on a government boat.”

“McCloud followed the vocation of cook for years and was once a prosperous citizen, but strong drink cause his downfall. His wife, from whom he has been separated for some years, survives, but he has not other relatives, so far as known.”

“The remains were laid to rest in the infirmary cemetery Tuesday.” 1

  1. Doc McCloud. (1911, December 05). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 15.
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