“Visitors at the county infirmary cannot help but be impressed with the fine way that the inmates are cared for and the various evidences of efficient work that have been accomplished during the past year by Superintendent John Hall and his wife. Judging by plans discussed at the meeting of the new board on Monday at the infirmary, greater progress is to be made this year than ever before.”
“One of the many improvements contemplated is the discontinuance of a vegetable garden in the front of the building. It is planned to have the land sodded and a fine lawn cultivated. Shade trees will be placed on it, and the board and the Superintendent Hall think that it will make an ideal resting place during the hot summer months for those whom the county cares for.”
“It is also planned to erect a new water plant on one of the hills back of the institution in the not far distant future. Superintendent Hall showed Tuesday that the present method of supplying water is entirely inadequate and out of date. These are the most among many improvements which are to be effected by the efficient management ? of the institution.”
“If the inmates of the infirmary get sack dinners every day as was served to two Portsmouth newspaper men on Monday, then they are better fed than the average citizen. Chicken, oysters, fruit and all sorts of good things filled the table.”
“Following the dinner the infirmary board convened and organized. Superintendent Hall passed the cigars and a general smoke followed. After the meeting the entire party of visitors were conducted through the house. The quarters of the men and women were open and cheery. The hospital ward was found in the best of shape. All outbuildings were as clean as could be desired, and Superintendent Hall was highly complimented for his excellent management.”
“In one room of the infirmary is confined a women who has been paralyzed for fourteen years. She has never walked in that time. In another room lies an old colored man who does not know how old he is, but Superintendent Hall states that he was over a hundred years old.”
“A touching incident during the tour of inspection was whom David Stewart ,the retiring director, told Tom Nash (sp?), an old inmate, that this would be the last time that he visited him. The old man broke down and wept.”
“All the inmates said that they liked Superintendent Hall, and one old lady declared that she would not wish for a better home.”1