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What the Poor Cost Us

What the Poor Cost Us
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What the Poor Cost Us

“The annual report of Clerk Merrill of the board of infirmary directors, has been compiled and gives some interesting facts and figures. The total amount of the orders drawn by the board during the year was $11,537.28. They received from other counties for relief of the poor belonging there $264.26; from friends of paupers, $54.50; and produce sold from the farm, $394.93. This makes the net cost of sustaining the poor of the county, $10, 823.49. Of this amount $6,268.17 is for the infirmary, and the balance for outside relief in the various townships. Of the $6268.17, $1,449.36 was for new buildings etc., leaving the net cost of the infirmary, $4,4818.81.”

“There were 51 inmates a year ago, 22 males and 29 females. Seven has been born at the infirmary and 59 received during the year. Seven have died, nine left without permission, and 48 were discharged leaving 53 there now, 20 males and 33 females.”

“The directors are in regular session at the court house today transacting routine business.”1

  1. What The Poor Cost Us. (1895, September 27). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 4.
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