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August 1893 Deaths at the Scioto County Infirmary

August 1893 Deaths at the Scioto County Infirmary
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August 1893 Deaths at the Scioto County Infirmary

Mrs. AJ Kelley1 , of near Haverhill died on Saturday, August 5th.”

Conrad Goelinger,2 aged 78 years, died last Saturday at the county infirmary, and was interred in Greenlawn cemetery on Sunday.”

“Two deaths occurred at the county infirmary on Friday of last week3: Rudolph Spitzer,4 aged 70, and Mrs. Sophia Overly5 , about the same age.”

Michael Curran6, after a brief illness, died on Thursday of last week, at his home on West Ninth street. Deceased was a native of Ireland, was about 67 years of age, and leaves a wife. Funeral services were held at Holy Redeemer church.”7

  1. Mrs. Alice Gay Bumgarner Kellogg, wife of Andes Jones Kellogg, died August 5th, 1893, and is buried at Buckeye Cemetery in Ohio Furnace, Scioto County, Ohio.
  2. Infirmary records note a Conrad Gelanger, aged 75 years, of Wayne Township, was admitted to the Infirmary on July 14, 1893, and dying there on July 15, 1893. The record also notes that he was taken away by his friends. Greenlawn Cemetery records note a Christian Gaellinger, aged 76 years, being buried on July 15, 1893, in Section 7 Lot 9.
  3. August 4, 1893
  4. Infirmary records note that Rudolph Spitzer, aged 60, of Wayne Township, was admitted to the Scioto County Infirmary on September 18, 1884, and died August 4, 1893.
  5. Infirmary records note the surname spelled as Overly, aged 71 years, of Wayne Township, was admitted to the Infirmary on September 1, 1891, and died August 4, 1893.
  6. Greenlawn Cemetery records record the surname was Curian. He was buried in the Holy Redeemer Section of the cemetery in an unlabeled single grave.
  7. Deaths. (1893, August 13). Portsmouth Times, 1.
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