“A visit to the Infirmary this week has furnished our readers the following interesting statistics kindly given us by Mr. Cole, the gentlemanly superintendent:”1
“There are sixty-four inmates at the Infirmary. A full list of their names, nativity and age appears farther along in this article.”
“The new and massive building is about completed, and the poor, distressed and diseased will have better shelter and be more comfortable this winter than it was possible to keep them last winter. The destruction of the old Infirmary by fire last year necessitated the crowding of the inmates in sheds, and it was a severe tax upon the superintendent and his family to give them that attention and care that can easily be given in the new house.”
“The farm has been reasonably productive this year, although the apple crop was not very large. There was produced on the farm this year, as near as can be estimated, 525 bushels of wheat, 3,500 bushels of corn, 30 tons of hay, 300 shocks of fodder, and 200 bushels of potatoes. They have 12 head of cattle, and will have 18 head of hogs for butcher.”
“For the larder 8 barrels of kraut have been made, 135 gallons of apple butter, 250 quart cans of tomatoes, 20 bushels dried apples, 10 bushels of navy beans, and 400 heads of cabbage. Then they have 300 chickens and 28 turkeys, so that on Christmas day, as on Thanksgiving, there will be ample for a fowl dinner and plenty left.”
“From the cows on the place there is a goodly supply of milk and butter for the table. On the whole the prospect is that the inmates will be well fed, and by the middle of the month, warmly housed this winter. The new building is being occupied, the dining room and kitchen being now in use.”
“The following is a list of the inmates:”
List of Inmates for December 1, 1883
Last Name | First Name | Condition | Age | Nativity |
Degrote | Andrea | 61 | American | |
Warren | Thomas | 74 | American | |
Cossack | Levi | 60 | American | |
Vankirk | Robert | 60 | American | |
Wells | Sarah | 41 | American | |
Flagan | John | 60 | Irish | |
Spriggs | Malissa | Insane | 45 | American |
Bloomfield | Elizabeth | Blind | 41 | American |
Henson | Anna | 27 | American | |
Davis | Unice | Insane | 65 | American |
Lambert | Margaret | Insane | 65 | American |
Smith | Alexander | 75 | American | |
Martin | Mary | Insane | 26 | American |
Kuhns | Elizabeth | Insane | 68 | American |
Foster | Elizabeth | 39 | American | |
Hoss | Elizabeth | 67 | German | |
Foster | Alderson | 7 months | ||
Snodgrass | Silas | Insane | 42 | |
Brown | William | 17 | ||
Griffith | Joseph | 60 | ||
Mannings | Mary | 43 | American | |
Marshal | Elizabeth | 54 | American | |
Kegan | John | 35 | Irish | |
Ammon | Dell | 18 | American | |
Smith | Mandy | 17 | American | |
Hanisal | Leroy | 34 | American | |
Bowman | Barbara | Insane | 40 | American |
Burt | Thelosa | 83 | American | |
Burns | Rufus | Colored | 38 | American |
Barnes | Jane | Colored | 22 | American |
Phillips | Thomas | 83 | Welsh | |
Phillips | William | 53 | Welsh | |
Gandy | Dave | 52 | American | |
White | Lewis | Deaf and Dumb | 81 | American |
Smith | Phillip | 72 | German | |
Lichner | John | 81 | German | |
Henry | George | 82 | German | |
Whorley | Jacob | 68 | German | |
Wallace | Aaron | 82 | American | |
Aikens | Abraham | 62 | American | |
Dodge | Frank | 81 | American | |
Baccus | Rhoda | Insane | Unknown | American |
Matsona | Rosa | Idiotic | 17 | American |
Pool | Ellen | 41 | American | |
Lichner | Elizabeth | Insane | 81 | German |
Mutter | Francis | Insane | 81 | American |
Squires | Emma | Insane | 36 | American |
McCann | Nancy | 52 | American | |
Williams | Mary | 81 | American | |
Giles | Mary | 70 | German | |
Mattux | Margaret | 69 | American | |
Wilder | Bell | Dead | 31 | American |
Oberly | Bettie | 66 | German | |
Wallace | Catherine | 63 | American | |
Slack | Rachel | Deaf | 41 | American |
Griffith | Katie | Deaf | 92 | Irish |
White | Malista | 26 | American | |
Buffington | Sarah | 66 | American | |
Allen | Fannie | Insane | 41 | American |
Seifert | Mary | Insane | 49 | German |
Morgan | George | Epileptic | 27 | American |
Flack | Sarah | 42 | American | |
Flax | Maggie | 1 | American |