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Infirmary Matters

Infirmary Matters
Categories Scioto County Infirmary

Infirmary Matters

“Average number of inmates last six months, 55 to 60; inmates sent to Infirmary last six months, 55; received outside relief six months, 59; persons who refused to go to Infirmary, 10; children sent to Home, 11; Infirmary children now at the Home, 27; inmates of Infirmary- 27 males, 19 females, and five children; births at Infirmary, 4; deaths, 6; tramps lodged overnight, 96. There are 4 horses, 17 head of cattle, 19 sheep, and 59 hogs on hand. Paid for outside relief last six months, $2886.63; paid for Infirmary expenses last six months, $3329.36. Total $6,215.99.”1

  1. Infirmary matters. (1877, September 8). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.
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