“It is not the purpose or desire of the Tribune to wrong any one, or misrepresent the facts in any case. Therefore we cheerfully give place to the following card from Mr. Stearnes:”
“To the Editor of the Tribune: Will you, in justice to me, give the following statement room in your next week’s issue? I did not buy bedsteads for this county without consulting anyone. On the contrary, it was decided by the Board of Directors, after mature deliberation and inquiry, to buy them. That those bedsteads cost twenty-six dollars is so; but they sleep for, and are of solid iron; and will, with the care that any ordinary bedsteads receive at a public place like an infirmary, outlast a dozen wooden ones.”
“These bedsteads are double-two-story and as above stated sleep four persons; and, as room was a great consideration, and wooden banks so cumbersome, in fact, something almost impossible to keep clean, it was decided that the above bedsteads were the cheapest and consequently bought. While I do not object to criticism when there is ground for it, still I do positively object to being put before the public in a wrong light. I invite the inspection of those bedsteads by the public, and will abide by their decision.”1
F.A. Stearnes
Infirmary Director and Clerk of the Board.