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Dr. Vaughters Pays Tribute to William Shaffer

Dr. Vaughters Pays Tribute to William Shaffer
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Dr. Vaughters Pays Tribute to William Shaffer

Dr. TG Vaughters1, physician of the County Infirmary, in a recent letter to the Tribune in regards to the condition of that institution, pays the following deserved compliment to Mr. William Shaffer, the late Superintendent, and his excellent lady:”

“‘The retiring Superintendent, we believe, has fully sustained his character for integrity, kindness and high executive ability. His kind lady3

  1. Dr. Thomas G. Vaughters
  2. Elizabeth McDougal Ball[/efn_note] also possesses rare qualifications as a governess, and commands the respect of all inmates for her urbanity and many christian virtues. They carry with them in retiring from their arduous duty our kindest feelings; and take this opportunity of returning them our sincere thanks and heart-felt gratitude for the courtesies bestowed and in caring for the sick and afflicted that were committed to our care. It will be a matter of consolation to them to know that they were not censured for any dereliction of duty; but were retired, we firmly believe, from mere party asperity. In saying this we hope to be exonerated from an undue criticism relative to the same.'”2(1871, December 23). Portsmouth Times, p. 2.
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